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Real money knows when to be in or out.. I

happened to overhear a conversation while sat in a bar in Marbella this was before Covid and they were talking about “where is your money” “you know what’s coming” where will you be for the lockdown?? Remember this was all before Covid really became anything it was just a footnote on the news channels.. I switched my pension into precious metals on the back of a conversation I overheard in a posh club in Marbella they were talking like Armageddon was coming.. Real money knows months before anyone else

5 ответов

15 просмотров

Nice story although I don't know if doing an all in on a conversation overheard in a bar is a good strategy

Brin-Breezer Автор вопроса
Nice story although I don't know if doing an all i...

Gold funds always did me well so I had no issue restricting my exposure to other stocks..

Brin-Breezer Автор вопроса
Nice story although I don't know if doing an all i...

My point was we will be late to any party and all of us in this chat are living off the scraps that we are left by the elites

Brin Breezer
My point was we will be late to any party and all ...

As long as we fight each others over petty things yep

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