209 похожих чатов

Hi, I’m new to this ecosystem / community. Have some questions: 1.

is staking $Skale non-custodial?
2. where/how can i stake $skale
3. how does slashing works in skale ecosystem?

Please don’t DM me as I will block you instantly.

2 ответов

13 просмотров

Hi Franz, 1.) SKALE is a decentralized network of multiple blockchains, not just a dApp. Yes, you hold whatever assets are in your address for as long as you have the private key to that address. 2.) Will be answered below. 3.) Slashing may occur in situations where a validator performs malicious behavior, such as double-spend, in a manner that can be confirmed by a decentralized group of network participants according to specified procedures. With that said, I'm not aware of any instance of slashing in the network yet. SKALE validators are incentivized to continue being good actors.


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