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As the rest of the world unloads its USSA treasuries,

money market funds and stable coins are buying them. The former is why interest rates need to stay high for longer. The latter is why "money" competing stable coins aren't being attacked, yet. When those are tapped out, the mass murdering, pathologically insane, criminal gang writ large will come for retirement funds, a huge sum which will become too irresistible for the criminal gang.

It will likely be presented as a solution for retirement fund losses due to some market collapse. That crisis' "solution" will "service" people by converting their distressed savings into "safe" treasuries. Meanwhile, the banksters who own the government crime gang will steal the real wealth (equities, corporate bonds, commodities, etc) from your nest eggs.

The big retirement fund grab will be set in motion when there aren't enough government debt buyers to keep interest rates "reasonable". The real wealth markets will be severely crashed to cause panic in preparation for the big grab. Klaus Schwab's "cyber pandemic" will provide cover to provide a "cause", divert blame and destroy evidence of the banksters financial crimes. It will all be the "fault" of Russian and/or Chinese government hackers. Tensions will skyrocket for the war monger/profiteers and mainstream media fear porn peddlers.

Capitol controls will be an important feature of this evil plan to prevent uncontrolled outflows from individuals' funds. Bank system gateways to cryptos and precious metals will be shut down. Withdrawals will be severely limited. Cryptocurrencies will be declared illegal with some well known users very publicly attacked to send a threatening message. Large numbers of commercial real estate impaired, insolvent small and medium sized banks will be shut down. Same for all but a few larger banks bankrupted by earlier treasury interest rate hikes. A bank holiday will prevent capital movement during this time. Then, a central bank digital currency will be rolled out as the ultimate "solution", to enslave you.

While you still can, have you acquired precious metals to be kept in your physical possession? Have you stacked privacy cryptocurrencies like PirateChain (ARRR) and Monero (XMR) to avoid detection by the "enforcers" of unjust "laws"? What about the really important things needed to survive during an extended bank holiday with its economic fallout and supply chain breakages? The time when you'll wish you had is rapidly approaching, maybe within weeks.

Are you ready?

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I’m ready now!

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