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Hi there, I read in the Origin DeFi Docs that the

OUSD vault was currently one of the largest MORPHO holders, but that these were locked.

How many MORPHO does the OUSD vault hold, how much worth are they in USD and when is it expected that they will be unlocked, thus enabling a transfer, sale, etc.?

7 ответов

15 просмотров

Hey Peer, hope you’re well. I will circle back with answers.

Peer- Автор вопроса
Joe | Origin Protocol
Hey Peer, hope you’re well. I will circle back wit...

Thanks @JoeOrigin doing well, enjoying the weekend 😀

Thanks @JoeOrigin doing well, enjoying the weekend...

That’s awesome. Glad that you are. A bit gloomy here. I pinged our DeFi guru but in the meantime reading some info real quick to get some answers for you.

Peer- Автор вопроса

Hey Peter, quick question, can you share the doc you saw with your findings?

Hi Peer, I’m circling back on this. Thank you for your patience. Distribution seems to be determined by OGV governance whenever the unlock happens. As of right now, there is limited information on the unlock. As for the USD value, that's something we can't speculate on our end. I found some info on the token for Morpho in this doc: https://docs.morpho.org/governance/morpho-token it maybe helpful. Hope my answer provided you with a bit of clarity. Let us know if you need anything else know.

Peer- Автор вопроса

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