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Good afternoon, yes it's possible. Chainlink nodes have to handle job requests, external adapters, fetch the data properly, acquire redistribution rights for the data being provided through your node, find dApp developers willing to use your node, promote your services to potential clients & users. Running a Chainlink node is like running a business. I encourage you to give it a try, as it is a very enriching experience and getting in touch with the different parties involved in the DeFi & Chainlink space will teach you more than any tutorial. https://docs.chain.link/chainlink-nodes/v1/running-a-chainlink-node Right now, if you are not a novel data provider that provides data that is in high demand by the smart contract ecosystem, your best option is to stay tuned to our Discord (https://chain.link/discord), participate in initiatives like the Oracle Olympics (https://chain.link/oracle-olympics) and use hackathons (https://hack.chain.link) to promote your node. I'd also suggest you checking this section of our documentation about external adapters: https://docs.chain.link/chainlink-nodes/external-adapters/external-adapters

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