210 похожих чатов

Is there any update on the ledger hardware wallets considering

the „shady“ firmware they had a few month back? With the private key uncertainty.
I still have an older version on my ledger, not sure if I should update?

7 ответов

6 просмотров

Old ledgers this cant happen on

It boils down to this. People assumed no one could ever access the private key from software. Ledger lets people know this was and has been wrong. You can allow the software to access the keys if you both update the software and configure your ledger to send the keys out. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

realistically unless you’re an actual terrorist on a government watchlist you’re infinitely more likely to lose your coin by signing shady transactions or telling people irl your stack size

Holy shit, bruh, I have told a lot of people I own 27 LINK, am I in danger now?

Holy shit, bruh, I have told a lot of people I own...

Yes bro I'm coming for you. That's like 50 Big Macs

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