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Imagine an algorithm that has limitations based on the environment

it lives in (a human). The environment affects all its decisions but the algorithms life is fully dependent on external and now becomes a matter of statistical probabilities based on the environment it lives in.

Now let's say the algorithm is aware of these limitations .. it's aware of the environment limiting it ... does it reprogram itself to overcome the environment?

Crazy thought I had... so basically humans who think they have freewill are ultimately more doomed than the one that accepts we don't have freewill as the one that realizes we don't have full freewill will do everything in its control to put itself in a better environment and thus allow the algorithm to function better

5 ответов

17 просмотров

Thats interesting but to me free will or no free will is something deeper than that

Thats similar to the thought i had when iwas 11

Thats interesting but to me free will or no free w...

At some point we will be able to crack the complex and multifactorial equation of "free will"

Samurai 🇯🇵- Автор вопроса
At some point we will be able to crack the complex...

For that to happen you'd have to understand the root of consciousness

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