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Wasnt it just an observation though, not really of any

relevance. More importantly is the inactivity of the team basically which gets completely ignored by everyone. Because.. hey we found something else to jump on and create a smokescreen.

Its what I can see, I can't look behind the scene, but we don't see any kind of work progress for months. So maybe its 'just' Lack of transparency.

Inactive incentive on arrakis. Funny how we were supposed to get up to a figure of six numbers and this suddenly stopped halfway there. The fact that this is not communicated or gets questioned tells a lot. It's not a huge thing to stop an incentive, pause it or whatsoever imo. - But hey what more aren't we talking about?
- Or hey what more aren't we questioning?

Its not as black and white as you describe with whether you believe or not. Someone can question his own belief, do his own research and more. You get nothing besides a golden pamphlet and a 'old' article that got a lot of unanswered questions. Trying to acquire more knowledge and insights about UBT and its progress is not possible right now. Believe me I have tried multiple times.

This is in no way absurd behaviour imo, its actually in the nature of humans. Simply put curious, the curiousity is completely neglected

But according to the fancy crazy diamonds in here I should be embarrassed and im just moaning, bitching, a shenanigan, wetting my pants, part of depressed people.

Should this be discussed in the official? Sure why the fuck not, it's telegram.

Question remains: progress, work, coding, is it in the room with us right now?

We got nothing, so it comes down to blind belief which makes sense because the community doesnt feel free to question things here anymore.

1 ответов

11 просмотров

Unfortunately the reality is very different from what you are saying - The Team have consistently laid out plans in white papers & blog posts They laid out the plan for BaseLedger and delivered the product They laid out the plan for UB-1 and delivered it The latest plan for development, is broadening the product offering of UB-1 as a v2 - this has been laid out clearly in a blog post communication including timeframes - this is now being developed over the remainder of this year It’s currently due for release when completed - The Team lay out plans & deliver consistently - this has not changed The next phase is adoption - how far reaching that will be, can be seen as TXs on Baseledger & Token purchases on the $UBT contract The only real gripe I’m hearing from some in the community is why are we not seeing a massive ramp up in TXs - This of course is the sensitive part of the puzzle & requires patience Patience while the Team & potential integrators / customers figure out the fit It’s unrealistic to expect a constant stream of updates on potential deal flow as these are not only commercially sensitive, but dependent on all parties consent. Why is it unacceptable for a commercial company to say “when we have more news to share, we will share it “ this is the norm in business The company has grown from a startup into an industry leader with cutting edge technology, it requires our support whilst the business world & various industries catch up. The stated goal is to onboard entire platforms - not pamper some folks in a TG chat … Realistically the next communication I’m expecting is when UB-1 v2 launches next year - anything else is a bonus

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