209 похожих чатов

Please can someone confirm the total supply of $skale. Is

it 5.4 B or 7B?

22 ответов

9 просмотров


5.4 is currently unlocked

5.4 is currently unlocked

2.5B in my possession..

Hi Franz, 5+ Billion in current total, with a little less than 4.7 B in circulation. 7 B is max supply that we won't see for another 200+ years. 33% of the max supply is set for PoS rewards. You can read about the token and network economics here: https://skale.space/blog/validator-economics You can also check out this multi-year token unlock schedule: https://supply.skale.network/supply/index.html (We are currently at Month 35 going to Month 36)

Mark | I do not PM first
Hi Franz, 5+ Billion in current total, with a litt...

Pretty funny that 94% of the tokens will be released on the 94th month of the project. How come the chart ends at 94 months and roughly 6.6 billion tokens? If that’s true that would leave only 400 million tokens over your “200+ years” for validators. Are you 100% sure 94 months isn’t the end and 7Billion isn’t really just 6.6B rounded up?

Tobias Bean
Pretty funny that 94% of the tokens will be releas...

Hi Tobias, You must be seeing it wrong. There is no one big release on the 94th month. The chart shows gradual release. But you've likely just worded (the first part of) your message inaccurately and are really talking about how much of the supply would have been released by then. Then you'd have to ask yourself if it's also funny how much of the BTC supply have already been released now considering we won't be approaching the maximum supply of BTC until around year 2140. There is ladderized decay in emissions. Please read the network economics article I linked in the post you replied to.

Mark | I do not PM first
Hi Tobias, You must be seeing it wrong. There is n...

Hi, Whome should I send msg to form a local community?

Hi, Whome should I send msg to form a local commun...

Hi Ali, New account? Your old account now shows up for me as "Deleted Account" We're not interested in your offer. Thank you.

Mark | I do not PM first
Hi Tobias, You must be seeing it wrong. There is n...

300 million unlocked.. circulating supply is now 4.98 billion

Mark | I do not PM first
Hi Tobias, You must be seeing it wrong. There is n...

33% of 6.6B in month 94 is 2.176B but the validator rewards stop at 1.9B

300 million unlocked.. circulating supply is now 4...

in 1 year it will go 5.7 billion tokens circulation

Tobias Bean
33% of 6.6B in month 94 is 2.176B but the validato...

is there any supply locks or burn is there in near future ??

ALEX (2001)
is there any supply locks or burn is there in near...

There is no supply burn i think.. but would be great to have..

About 58 million release per month

but after that the inflation is decresing right so why worries longterm is great only with there's

The worry is that it would be hard to touch ath with that much marketcap

There is no supply burn i think.. but would be gre...

yes its great but they are build great project gasless right

Tobias Bean
33% of 6.6B in month 94 is 2.176B but the validato...

Hi Tobias, You misunderstand it. Validator rewards will never stop. At first, it is from emissions (with 33% of the MAX supply allocated for that), and then progressively from dApp fees. Please check out the 'SKL Token Resources' section here before making assertions: https://skale.space/network#token

Mark | I do not PM first
Hi Tobias, You misunderstand it. Validator rewards...

Are there any dapps currently paying the subscription fees? Where’s the documentation that shows token distribution past month 94? If there isn’t any, where are you seeing this 200years to reach 7B? Basically, 6.6B are released in 8 years and the remaining 400M are released over 200 years…

Mark | I do not PM first
Hi Ali, New account? Your old account now shows up...

Yes this is my new account. Telegram deleted my account 😑

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