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@Sjaaaakster do you have a roll in all this?

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Good morning all, Concrete question for me if I have a role in Unibright's Twitter account. Yes I do, I am one of the administrators. And to answer your concerns as to why that account has not been active since that date is because there have been no blog postings or otherwise newsworthy things to share thereafter in which Unibright has a role. I could wish everyone good morning on Twitter so now and then, but don't really see the value in this. I understand the desire to see this changed from a community standpoint, but I can't change that. There has been a blog post in July describing further plans in terms of developments for Unibright and if there is anything more to be said or announced about this, I will be the first to spread the word. Those announcements are coming from Marten and Stefan. Have some patience and then the updates will surely come. Have a great day everyone 👍🏻

Good morning all, Concrete question for me if I h...

Do I understand correctly that after three months you can't even answer the simple question of whether everything is going as planned? To be honest, I find it a little frustrating too

Do I understand correctly that after three months ...

Is it about wanting to hear this that everything is going as planned? I don't think this is such an easy question. I honestly expected that we would already be further along in the cycle that it would be recognized by the industry that certain solutions that blockchain technology can offer would already be more accepted in the industries that Unibright serves. This is unfortunately not yet the case due to a variety of factors. Unibright chooses the path of continuing to develop its products and continue to spar with its partners to see where those needs do lie and anticipate them. Is that newsworthy or does that answer your question of whether everything is going as planned? Nothing is as changeable as the world of crypto and blockchain ... especially looking at the hype cycles and trends. You see tokenization being brought to the forefront all over again now, is this new? Not for us, the tokenization platform has been around for a while but is now being further developed and combined by us with the other tools that are out there in the meantime.

Is it about wanting to hear this that everything i...

Is that newsworthy or does that answer your question of whether everything is going as planned? Both, so thank you very much for the answer

Is it about wanting to hear this that everything i...

Hearing this is better than hearing nothing at all for months on end Jack. Why does it always need to be that people have to vent their frustration to get some kind of engagement from your self and the team. It is a recurring situation every few months now. The months of silence only lead to unrest and disturbance between community members.

Stevo Payne
Hearing this is better than hearing nothing at all...

This is something that has evolved in crypto communities over time and is something that is difficult to reverse or change. I think you yourself have been around long enough to know how these kinds of mechanisms work. Unibright is a blockchain integration company and that's where the priorities lie. Unibright absolutely understands that the community is an important position in Unibright's existence and that a good community is important in crypto. you are dealing with a lot of personalities in a community and I do have the experience now to say that you can never keep everyone happy. I myself have regularly brought up the subject of what can be a middle ground in this. We have talked in the past about trying to do a weekly or monthly update. This was then seized upon to make this moment very important. This gives a kind of natural pressure at Unibright to come up with something, when it could be that there is just nothing newsworthy. Then Stefan sent the community a message that everything was going fine and wished everyone a happy new month. This also created dissatisfaction, and this didn't feel right and was very distracting from the daily work. The decision has been made to consciously distance themselves from this a bit more and focus on what is best for everyone in the long run. When there is news or updates we will inform everyone on the channels!

This is something that has evolved in crypto commu...

That's all understandable and I don't think anyone needs a weekly or monthly update these days. But every three months at the latest there should be a short message that everything is OK, even if there is nothing else to report. Three months is different than weekly or monthly. Maybe a middle ground can be found. and I think that should calm the community down again. A short message without further details really doesn't take long. You could write it the way you did now. Otherwise, some people may believe, and I certainly agree, that nothing happens behind the scenes and that is of course frustrating

That's all understandable and I don't think anyone...

Thanks M…. Finding a good middleground is the way to move on. Will discuss this with S&M 👌

Thanks M…. Finding a good middleground is the way ...

One thing that I do want to ask, Jack, and I know its sort of cherry-picking bits out of your earlier replies, but I see comments in there such as : "I honestly expected that we would already be further along in the cycle that it would be recognized by the industry that certain solutions that blockchain technology can offer would already be more accepted in the industries that Unibright serves. and "This gives a kind of natural pressure at Unibright to come up with something, when it could be that there is just nothing newsworthy." This puts me under the impression that verbatum of your comments there is, that we aren't anywhere near adoption (hence the lack of usage of baseledger), and that there is nothing newsworthy to share with the community, after 3 months.,, I am sure we will get something before the end of the year and I hope it will be a fruitful representation of all of the hard work that the Unibright team has done, but it just reads to me that, the team are struggling to find any takers for the product, and there is nothing of note to let us know about...

That's all understandable and I don't think anyone...

i've been around since 2017 ( not ubt, per say but in the crypto sphere) . I can tell you from experience that link( unlike unibright, i was rather early in chainlink) often took between 2 to 4 months in between updating their community, and look where they are now. They too focussed on developping their tech, and once they got the ball rolling, and only then, they started engaging with the community more frequently. I feel that most people in this community have gotten a twisted view on what organisations own their customers, perhaps due to the increase of social media echo chambers like telegram idk, but in no way is it a companies obligation nor in a companies best interest to spend to much of their resources on managing unexperienced newbie investors that cry wolf every time the ticker goes down or something other happens that makes their emotions go wild. This is the case for big companies like coca cola and what not, but goes double for start ups... I would say that those that keep pestering the team for feedback, or keep whining about this and that and community engagement are in need of a reality check. These channels are to keep us up to date on newsworthy developments, not to soothe the worries of the few, and certainly not a place for people to vent their frustrations that often stem off crypto in general, or from seeing other projects hold up better in the bear market or doing better in the bull market. It has been stated multiple times that there is funding to continue activity, so they can get trough the bear market. It has been stated that they are working on futher developping their techstack. If there are adress worthy questions posed, they have always been answered ( think the provide debacle, or questions about funding etc etc prove this). So i don't care what you think or feel about it, the fact is that this channel, jack and the team in general, are doing what they are supposed to do. You lot are just being terrible sports....

i've been around since 2017 ( not ubt, per say but...

If I could have, I would have said exactly this.

i've been around since 2017 ( not ubt, per say but...

Link may have communicated in a similar manner 2017-2018 but that changed after mainnet in 2019. Since then they have continuously increased communication with the community and their growth as a company is observable. The exact opposite has happened with ubt. Post main net/ baseledger we've gotten less information and they are less active in the space (baseline office hours, etc.). Not sure thats the comparison you want to make

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