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In our fiat money the biggest drawback is government can

print it as many as they want and then devalued it and our saved money get devalued.

Why graph also choose the same thing that we can print as many token as we want in future.
Why didn't graph limit the maximum supply.

Otherwise someday someone can come and will say our token get hacked and scammer minted 100B tokens and sell them.
Why not fixed supply.
Didn't learn from FTT.
Why why?????

1 ответов

8 просмотров

About learning from FTT, I didn’t get your point. FTT didn’t have almost any utility. Instead, GRT is a utility token that is used as an incentive and a reward for all the actors in the ecosystem that play different roles. Again, you can learn more on Graph Academy about all the different roles: 👇 https://thegraph.academy/resources/

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