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Hell0 fam, I would like to get some info about

staking, is there a minimum lock duration ?

1 ответов

8 просмотров

Hi there, unstaking is not currently possible in v0.1. However, once staking v0.2 goes live during Q4 2023 an unbonding mechanism and an additional 20M LINK staking allocation will be implemented. "At any point in time, stakers can initiate a withdrawal of their staked LINK from v0.2, which begins a multi-week cooldown period. Once the cooldown period is complete, a multi-day claim window begins where staked LINK can be withdrawn. If the staked LINK is not withdrawn during the claim window, the LINK automatically re-enters v0.2. Therefore, if a staker changes their mind after initiating a withdrawal of their staked LINK, they do not have to take any action. " You can learn more about staking v0.2 here 👍 ‼️ Also REMEMBER: Beware of fake announcements claiming that more space to stake was suddenly available. The only websites available to stake your LINK are the official one (https://staking.chain.link/) and the unofficial third-party delegation protocol (https://stake.link/)

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