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Anybody knows, what about audit progress on ETH-WGX and LTC-WGX?

3 ответов

12 просмотров

Hey👋 You can follow the audit process by subscribing to the WX.Network news channel. Also, you can check the recent WXG-tokens buyback by this link: https://t.me/wx_network/954

Dmytro- Автор вопроса
Mike Waves 🌊
Hey👋 You can follow the audit process by subscribi...

sure, I'm there. But for a long time no news about audit or it's result. Anyway, thanks for response.

sure, I'm there. But for a long time no news about...

The procedure keeps going according to the previously stated plan: https://medium.com/wavesexchange/wxg-token-delisting-procedure-5029c7f9130d The audit for LTC-WXG has not been completed yet, but it's a subject of regular buybacks with accumulated trading fees🔥

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