aha, so why are there 2,143,427,384 tokens on ETH chain?
Currently there is no burning mechanism for ERC20 COTI, instead ERC20 COTI are locked in a smart contract when they are converted to native COTI and are then not accessible anymore. Through this the total supply may appear to be more than 2 billion coins. However, the total supply is and will always be 2 billion coins, the locked away ERC20 COTI are not part of the total supply but will still show up on Ethereum. A burning mechanism for ERC20 COTI is being worked on. https://faq.coticommunity.com/coti-coin/erc20-coti
you don't need a "burning mechanism", you can just send it to the 0x000...000 or 0x000...dead address like everybody else.
Stefan has already shared some good info. That should be sufficient but if you need any official references here’s a medium article published by us- https://cotinetwork.medium.com/understanding-cotis-supply-ac25b0257f04
on which address are this "additional" COTI in the moment anyway?
Worth for the dev team to explore and make it to 2b precisely
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