209 похожих чатов

Hi, I’ve noticed I’m receiving less passive rewards than my

APY % would suggest. Can anyone help resolve this?

2 ответов

9 просмотров

The amount of passive rewards you receive is highly dependent on the locking period of your tokens - the longer you lock your tokens, the greater the rewards [FAQ]. If you believe there's a discrepancy, you can use this document to estimate the amount you should be receiving: https://docs.oceanprotocol.com/user-guides/data-farming/how-to-estimate-apy [FAQ]. Generated using AwesomeQA AI

JB-Morgan Автор вопроса
The amount of passive rewards you receive is highl...

I’ve locked for 4 years and taken my VeOcean balance, multiplied that by my APY% and divided by 52. I’m receiving about 35 less Ocean/week than I should be.

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