in the future? Will multiplier APY be limited in favor of gCoti APY? I assume that there are clear intentions in this regard. Are these shared publicly?
They exist concurrently for the treasury, part of why we created gcoti was to boost the treasury APY. multipliers are still there too.
this could possibly be voted using gCoti i suppose
tbh i doubt it would ever be removed
And I will def vote for this. Long term people who come after few years and don't have any Gcoti should have a decent apy and incentive to buy and stake coti.
They will all get APY from staking, I think something like 40% is reserved for that rewards over the next 10 years or something like that. Sorry can't remember exact amounts and dates
I thought 5 years? I think the gcoti boost should be a few % extra max and the most should be just for staking coti. The longer the more apy, even if you come in in 2027, stake and still have a decent apy. Now the apy for staking is not worth it. While this gcoti campaign runs any new stakes not worth it.
You're right its 42% over 5 years
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