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🔹 We're an inclusive community for developers and others interested

in building secure hybrid smart contracts.

🔹 We are blockchain/platform agnostic and work with many of the leading smart contract development teams.

Not allowed: Memes, stickers, harmful language, insulting others, outright FUD, false/misleading information, copypasta, shilling other projects, or price discussion. Links to outside forums will be accepted as long as they follow the rules above.
Instant BAN: impersonation, discrimination, explicit content, promotional links, spam, bots, or outright scams.

Please report anyone impersonating team members to the moderators listed below.

🔹 There is no Chainlink airdrop, nor has there ever been an airdrop.
🔹We will not be giving away ETH or any asset.
🔹If you see anything that says otherwise please report it.
🔹Chainlink will never contact you in regards to contract upgrades or any action you need to take.
🔹Please refer to the following security best practices article for some great tips: https://chainlinktoday.com/dont-get-got-avoiding-the-most-common-crypto-scams/

Whitepaper 2.0: https://chain.link/whitepaper

Keepers is Live: https://blog.chain.link/chainlink-keepers-is-now-live-on-mainnet/

Keepers is Live on BNB Chain: https://www.binance.org/en/blog/chainlink-keepers-now-live-on-binance-smart-chain-for-securely-automating-smart-contract-devops/

OCR is Live: https://blog.chain.link/off-chain-reporting-live-on-mainnet/

What is Chainlink?

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Guys, seriously

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