209 похожих чатов

Anyone know what exactly palmyra is? And why they said

they aren’t launching on ergopad? Does that mean they aren’t launching at all on ergo and they’re just doing it on cardano? @Armeanio @tefcek21

3 ответов

12 просмотров

[@liquid_phase] Palmyra is a commodity dex operated by Zengate

Hoskydex-L Автор вопроса
[@liquid_phase] Palmyra is a commodity dex operate...

So now they are only launching on cardano and not on ergo? Or they are just not use ergopad but still going along with ergo?

Hoskydex L
So now they are only launching on cardano and not ...

[@liquid_phase] their fundamental smart contract platform is built for ergo, and has been proven working on ergo.

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