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Not sure about posting a link, when it especially refers

to HEX, but surely this is massive news ?

5 ответов

11 просмотров


Josh-Rogan Автор вопроса
Nenad [I won't dm you]

Hi Nenad, I just remember seeing something a while back about not posting any links - but when it's a link about HEX I'm hoping that's OK. Thing is Binance aren't even hosting the coin, so AFAICT they don't stand to profit from providing this information ??

Josh Rogan
Hi Nenad, I just remember seeing something a while...

It's generic info and clearly aiming at getting people losing their crypto.

Josh-Rogan Автор вопроса
Josh Rogan
Ah. OK. Thank you Nenad.

Josh Rogan (2) has increased reputation of Nenad [I won't dm you] (3258)

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