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Once you stake, how long does it take to start

earning rewards and where is that visible?

6 ответов

9 просмотров

Combot has warned Kevin | Moonbeam (4/5) Reason: Domain is not allowed

you won't see any changes in your stDOT balance, so the value of stDOT will go up, but you will have the same number of stDOT in your balance. therefore, when you swap stDOT to DOT or unbond, you will see the difference

Capone-G Автор вопроса
you won't see any changes in your stDOT balance, s...

Thank you. One won’t see any reward accumulation even in the claim box until one stops staking and unbinds?

Capone G
Thank you. One won’t see any reward accumulation e...

Hey, feel free to contact Stellaswap at: https://discord.gg/bhDE7Qnj

Capone G
Thank you. One won’t see any reward accumulation e...

yeah, your stDOT balance will grow, but it won't show up on your stDOT balance, but when you make a swap or unbond you will get more DOT. but, as svPatrik said, you need to contact stellaswap for all the further questions

Capone-G Автор вопроса

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