209 похожих чатов

Just had a dream. Mbox went up to $1500 in

span of 1 minute. Is it true?

11 ответов

35 просмотров



Remove the two zeros, then it was something that happened extremely fast in previous bull run.

Keep dreaming i even can't think it will reach 1$ 😂

It’s a rotation game. Money is currently flowing into BTC and other major coins. Small cap coins (except a few) are not getting pumped yet.

It’s a rotation game. Money is currently flowing i...

Lol you i think don’t follow CMC or CoinGecko. Watch again

Don’t understand?

Small coins are booming and these are metaverse coins too. So your assumption is not correct.

Ugh Jij
Small coins are booming and these are metaverse co...

No. As I said selected ones are. Read again.

No. As I said selected ones are. Read again.

Not selected so many. You need to use search in cmc in a better way you ll see

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