209 похожих чатов

Bro, are you not in anyway frustrated by how the

communication from admins seemed to make it ACH news and at the end ACH is nowhere to be found in communication from Binance, in any documentation, netwerk, dapps service?

2 ответов

21 просмотр

Not saying they can’t do better with that but you guys focus on that too much. We not gonna change anything. They push out what they want and it will always be like that. So whining everyday about and asking the same questions isn’t going to change anything

Meditor-|| Surely no Admin Автор вопроса
Mo Jackson
Not saying they can’t do better with that but you ...

I’m not so sure about that though. It’s feedback and if yhey want to create a valuable community they are paying attention to the feedback to change.

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