210 похожих чатов

Hello. Can i ask one question? If i already deployed

smartcontract (my erc20 token) on Polygon (1.0), what will be with my smartcontract when polygon migrate to polygon 2.0?
Sorry for my bad English...

10 ответов

20 просмотров

My question exactly but no one answered it . Any help?

right now you don’t have to do anything

telmo bit
When then? If then 😁

Instructions for the swap will be given in due time, when the time for the swap comes!! No need to hurry, just keep your eyes out on our socials and announcement channels! That's all for now 😄

Instructions for the swap will be given in due tim...

Swap? But i interesting by my smartcontract. Need i do something with them? Or my smartcontract will migrated to new polygon 2.0 automatically? Thanks

Instructions for the swap will be given in due tim...

Please share link of announcement channel, thank you

Yes same

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