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Is there an explanation for the seemingly accelerated pace of

halvings within the Pirate Chain blockchain compared to other blockchain networks? It's intriguing that we are now just 4 million ARRR away from reaching the maximum supply in such a relatively short period. In comparison, other blockchains with limited supplies, even those that have been in existence for an extended duration before ARRR, took longer to reach this stage. Am I overlooking any crucial factors? Any clarifications or insights on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

7 ответов

18 просмотров

That's a good question. Please chime in. The way I see it, it's an accelerated scarcity while others misconceive it as an unfair "pre-mine" by the early adopters. What's your take, pirates?

Calvin- Автор вопроса

@Kaks25 or any one else has logical explanation? As this point was brought up by some friends of mine that are invested in moreno. I was explaining to them as to why I think that ARRR is better than XMR when they told me, they just find this aspect of ARRR fishy, and this is the reason, why they never touched ARRR.

@Kaks25 or any one else has logical explanation? A...

Great question! I'm no expert here, but just following the Discord for a few years. The short answer is pirate now has a stock-to-flow ratio superior to bitcoin, and gold, and improving every halving. ZK-Snarks tech had to be invented, then incorporated into Pirate, so Pirate really had to play catch-up. I was enamoured by XMR when I first read about it, but a few months later lucked onto the Pirate white-paper and was an instant convert. I looked into mining pirate on CPU/GPU but the ASICs were onboard so I was half a year or so too late. As it turned out the cost of Pirate has under- paced the electricity cost to ASIC mine Pirate (until that April 2021 breakout above about 45c). So the only rational choice, to convert every spare cent of my own and friends fiat$ to ARRR. Still DCAing monthly (now if below 84c), buy some lucky trinkets on Arrrmarda, and not selling until I live to see a few more ATHs. Perhaps by then we can lend or stake ARRR via "smart zkontracts" or such. You never sell your harrrdest currency... After a few years of sleepless nights trying to understand ARRRs downsides whether technical, practical, community, secops, marketing etc, I can only conclude one major pitfall. That is, as Pirates we may be 20 years ahead of our time.

for me it is actually big advantage for pirate chain, because it means less inflation every year. Is it bad to have small inflation? I think no, it is good. The only problem is miners get less profit from every block, so usually it means it is much easier to make t 51% double-spend attack, BUT! as you can read on pirate.black: " Pirate utilizes the delayed Proof of Work algorithm offered by Komodo. Delayed Proof of Work indexes Pirate’s blockchain onto Komodo’s and Litecoin’s blockchain. In so doing, any attempts to attack Pirate’s blockchain will first need to overcome both these blockchains, which is prohibitively costly and virtually impossible." so pirate chain has close to 0% annual inflation and very good protection against 51% double spend attack. this is what really impressed me. elegant technical solution!

@Kaks25 or any one else has logical explanation? A...

also you can read good article about halving on pirate chain. https://www.piratechain.org/the-pirate-chain-halvening/ Stock to flow right now is 127, it will be >1000 in 2025, which is crazy big number. so, it was made intentionally from the beginning.

Calvin- Автор вопроса
Pavel Averjanov
for me it is actually big advantage for pirate cha...

This and the previous explanations do not even begin to address my question. You only explain the effects of the process, but my question pertains to the detailed cause of the process. I'll have a look at the article you sent, maybe I'll find more there.

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