210 похожих чатов

I'M staking my KAVA on Cosmostation and they've updated the

dapp. I can't find how to claim my staking rewards. Anyone here know?

9 ответов

24 просмотра

What mobile device do you use, Android or Apple?

Major Nostragollum

I heard other users reported this. It might be the iOS version. Have you contacted Cosmostation about it yet?

Major Nostragollum
Not yet.

Please do. Otherwise, if you are in a rush, you can always import your Cosmostation word seed phrase into a different wallet like Trust Wallet or Keplr to access your assets.

Major-Nostragollum Автор вопроса
Major Nostragollum
Yeah, no rush ATM. Thanks Cameron

Have you tried via Cosmostation desktop?

Major-Nostragollum Автор вопроса
Alex Smith
Have you tried via Cosmostation desktop?

No need I posted a screenshot of the way to claim on the new dapp ☝️

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