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Questions: 1. How much rev is chainlink labs doing? 2. How much

aggregate revenue are the node operators generating?

3. Would u equate node operators to btc minors in some context?

4. How are ari juels. Eric schmidt et al being compensated? Chainlink labs equity or link tokens

5. How would u value the link token using tradfi methods?

4 ответов

22 просмотра

Good afternoon, if you're referring to a roadmap, the blog has several articles that detail future goals and development trajectories. In terms of tokenomics, Please feel free to visit this article, since it contains all the official statements and addresses from the team surrounding token allocations for different purposes and general  token movements. You can check the current circulating supply here. In addition, this article outlines the importance of sustainable oracle economics to the success of Web3. You can also find the most up-to-date statement from the team here 👍



As to your third question, I would not equate node operators to btc miners

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