209 похожих чатов

Question. Lots of people saying eHex is done for &

pHex is the one that'll gain because of liquidity. But surely if eHex is less liquidity, won't it be easier to pump and it'll pump harder because of this? Cheers

11 ответов

26 просмотров

Both hex's are winner imo. Im happy if people are stupis and leave eHex. More Staking APY for me :)

Both are similarly liquid, so not sure what you mean by that. People generally suffer from shiny object syndrome, which is one of the most common reasons on why they rekt themselves. And a lot of Hexicans don't understand the difference between a fork and a new coin. Even less understand the impact of the underlaying network on price performance.

Why would you buy bridged HEX on the other Chain and not the one's on the Chain it can interact with the contract?

T.C. no dm
Why would you buy bridged HEX on the other Chain a...

https://bridge.pulsechain.com • Contract addresses for main Ethereum/Pulsechain bridged tokens here: https://t.me/hexsettings/38 • How to avoid bridge scams: https://youtu.be/16gS03Cqi9E • Alternative BSC/BNB Bridge: https://tokensex.link/ • Crosschainswaps here: https://t.me/hexsettings/32

T.C. no dm
Why would you buy bridged HEX on the other Chain a...

HEX contract address: 0x2b591e99afe9f32eaa6214f7b7629768c40eeb39 8 decimals.

Some do to add an LP or for arb reasons

T.C. no dm

e.g. I saw an opportunity and bridged over a particular token and sold it because whoever made the liquidity position had screwed up the ratios. I sold my bridged token for way more than on the native chain and bought down the price at the same time and then that arb was gone

Arlo (I dont DM)
e.g. I saw an opportunity and bridged over a parti...

I know how arbitrage works but I assume he wants to invest by buying into "bridged derivatives" of HEX or we have different definitions of what EHEX and PHEX is.

T.C. no dm
I know how arbitrage works but I assume he wants t...

How to buy HEX: https://app.1inch.io (DEX aggregator) https://portalxswap.io (DEX aggregator) https://ethhex.com (Uniswap DEX frontend) https://swap.cow.fi (DEX aggregator) https://app.pulsex.com (Pulsechain DEX) https://uniswap.hedron.pro/#/swap?chain=mainnet&outputCurrency=0x2b591e99afe9f32eaa6214f7b7629768c40eeb39 (Hedron Uniswap v3 frontend) More onramp methods : Hexicans.info/onramps Note: Uniswap and Matcha got spooked and disabled trading HEX on their front end. Luckily smart contracts don't care about frontends. You can use one of the IPFS front ends: Link 1 and Link 2

T.C. no dm
I know how arbitrage works but I assume he wants t...

Maybe. I know Alex from Hedron is working on a tokenised form of upgrade for hex staked instances to make them mineable etc, no matter if they are Pulsechain native or bridged from Ethereum

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