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Also, we had this conversation yesterday 🙂 I can

try to explain it again if you like 🙂

For using phantom, have you tried prioritizing your transactions?

3 ответов

10 просмотров

No idea what that means. Does any of the swap sites work? No luck with Orca and Jupiter and this user experience is infuriating.

Steve- Автор вопроса
Solana Bull XRD hyper bull.
No idea what that means. Does any of the swap site...

I get that, it's frustrating when it doesn't work, but there are things you can do so it does work. It has nothing to do with the instruments provided but with which ones you use and how you use them

I get that, it's frustrating when it doesn't work,...

Usually it works. But I now get why someone I wrote with told me how horrible the user experience is on Solana.

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