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Which liquidity pools do you recommend to hold?

2 ответов

16 просмотров

I’m somewhat biased in answering this question because my primary work here involves constructing my own liquidity pools. I’d say join in GQX and AMM with the Y Assets. It offers a good balance of crypto and stable action. But your goals as an individual might be different. Generally I’ve found the Y Assets to be very useful but the answer to your question is specific to you, your goals, how you identify with crypto, and your capability. >As a general rule, you should pool with assets you find useful to spend and receive. I would make sure you know a good amount about both assets and how it will affect your own personal accumulation/TVL.

This is also determined by your exit strategy and what conditions you feel comfortable taking profit in. The people I found to work with are more interested in providing a product for people to enjoy well into future generations if possible. I understand not everyone is as selfless, but what we have now is indefinitely committed, come what may. In other words, what’s there is there, enjoy it, because we know it has value.

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