209 похожих чатов

Ok read most of the info. Quite exciting actually. Question

I’m holding a big bag of Native Coti on Coinmerce (an exchange)…. Will the swap go automatically of you’re on an exchange?

Question 2)
Will my big bag of Coti be worth less when swapped (diluted)? Because of the inflationary large supply of Coti V2? And what are you guys doing to prevent the loss of so much value!

Question 3)
My man Ben G talks about the intention to launch a dedicated campaign at the beginning of 2024 in which $COTI holders, both native and ERC20, will be allowed to swap their tokens in advance, receiving an additional reward of the new COTI V2 tokens upon launch of the COTI V2 mainnet. But this isn’t mandatory. Why not?! What use is there if you stay on V1 with your tokens? Shouldn’t Coti make the swap mandatory and facilitate holders with a swift automatic swap? Especially the exchange holders. And what is this reward?

1 ответов

23 просмотра

Question 1: We'll have further details about the migration soon. Question 2: Swap would be in a 1:1 ratio so your Coti would be worth the same when you swap. Question 3: Please attend our twitter space, and ask this. See you there my man! Stay Coti V2 😉

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