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What is the difference between imx and skl?

1 ответов

5 просмотров

Hi Samuel, You can find information about SKALE here: https://t.me/skaleofficial/311215 If you need a summary, one is provided in the welcome messages, e.g. in https://t.me/skaleofficial/323328 SKALE is an Ethereum native, multi-chain blockchain network that is optimized for Web3 user experience. SKALE chains offer ZERO gas fees to end-users and have advanced features such as on-chain file storage, interchain messaging, zero-cost minting, ML/AI smart contracts, and enhanced security features. Welcome to the SKALEverse. You can get information on IMX from their own information resources. With in-depth knowledge of the two projects, you can make your own informed comparisons.

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