210 похожих чатов

Oh so I use EVM to borrow USDX and send

over to IBC wallet. Then, I can continue use IBC wallet vesting balance, correct?

Oh I think it works!! I will do it. I appreciate you 🙏

8 ответов

15 просмотров

No, because on the EVM side I don't believe you can withdraw the USDX as it can't exist on the EVM side

I mean you can send the USDT across to the Cosmos/ibc side via the transfer page of the web app. You can open a CDP on Kava mint via Cosmostation mobile If your using Keplr you can import your seed words into Cosmostation, although I've seen a couple of reports of the Kava Defi tab being missing from the iOS version

YouK- Автор вопроса
I still need your help. Like this?

Yes but from KavaEVM to KavaIBC

YouK- Автор вопроса
CryptoDaz (Darren)
I mean you can send the USDT across to the Cosmos/...

I transferred USDT on kava IBC. But next page says, I have to use MetaMask and it will switch to kava EVM…

I transferred USDT on kava IBC. But next page says...

USDT Earn on the Kava web app is only compatible with MetaMask, so you need to transfer it back to MetaMask.

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