210 похожих чатов

Why put the proceeds into something that is stagnant, instead

of into somethiing that's again appreciating up?

3 ответов

16 просмотров

Market cycles, avoiding the inevitable 90% decline. Buying back more crypto as close to the bottom as possible. Too many hold their bags watching values go up and down and not take profits that's up to you

ProsPerryT-Prosperity Автор вопроса
DeroPirate Pirate
Market cycles, avoiding the inevitable 90% decline...

Yes of course. But what is the stable coin based on? Its not magic. * If it's an algorithm, then it can go catastrophic in the way of Luna. * If it's fiat or a tangible asset, then that fluctuates relatively speaking (even if the number says its staying at 1.0000, that's relative to something.) Nothing is truly stable in of itself, since all value is: 1) perceived and 2) relative. So, you just always transfer to the best you can find relative to everything else, and at least relative to what you are transferring out of. And ideally into something that is the next asset class to go up (not stay stable), as everyone else perceives it as "valuable" too, and piles in. Some of the wealthy are somewhat diversified, but make massive transfers between asset classes every decade or longer. Real estate, metals, equities, bonds, cash, businesses, back to real estate again. Dynasties. Wealth Cycles by Mike Maloney is great at explaining this. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=l-knwwD-PZc&pp=ygUdV2VhbHRoIEN5Y2xlcyBieSBNaWtlIE1hbG9uZXk%3D

ProsPerryT Prosperity
Yes of course. But what is the stable coin based o...

Fiat is based on even less and its gone for thousands of years. Never said it was stable or decentralized. I'm aware of the wealth cycle and buying real world assets

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