but you are employed by the treasury, why require others to work voluntarily?
What do you expect a superbowl ad? a nascar livery? Somehow marketing is better than functional tech. Contribute some ideas or kvetch on twitter. More noise the better.
the team stakes, i.e. holds dcr, and wants the price to go down? what the fuck are you on about and why are you even here
What's the plans around adding more privacy and anon features? Something XMR struggles with is being cut off from exchanges, I recall that XMR has very poor compatibility for ...
I did catch the update about the mixer along the way. Being able to mix with the POS supply is a standout feature. Are all PoS tickets mixing or only those that opt in?
Yes i want DCR perfomance. Dont’ you?
kozel: You realise there are stakers besides people involved in Decred development, right? Are they dumping too?
if we are aligned here, can we please discuss how to make DCR great again?
kozel: You asked me what I thought and I answered based on the evidence we've got. Are you trying to make yourself look like even more of a clown? Because you're doing extreme...
so what IS keeping the price down?
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