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At the moment the only reality is that the weakness

is extreme......and investor interest completely non-existent. All this must change radically.....when will it do so?

1 ответов

22 просмотра

Hey Juan, I'm going to do yo a solid here, instead of an official warning I'm going to let you know that continuing to post comments like these will eventually get you booted from the group. Next time it's going to be official. Why? Cause it baseless FUD, "weakness is extreme" is not a tangible or valid complaint and you keep repeating it over and over again. I explained this to you yesterday, and others have explained it to you before. We've refuted this so many times and now it's done. If you want to see the project do better, than you need to do better also, Do you think those comments are going to encourage new members to invest and become active members of this community? Or do you think those are misleading anyone reading them? shall I copy pasta the "this is a community project..." post again? Good luck my friend.

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