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I heard it will be a lot quicker now to

onboard different chains ones we got the ball rolling , is that true?

5 ответов

18 просмотров

what i heared: 4 months if team was fully funded and everything went well

Hoskydex-L Автор вопроса
Jose Costa
what i heared: 4 months if team was fully funded a...

They aren’t fully funded?? They got the catalyst funds.

Jose Costa
what i heared: 4 months if team was fully funded a...

I heard 6 from when catalyst will give funding

[anon1111] Certainly shouldnt be slower than 2 years 🙂

[markglasgow] 4-6mo for the Eth one I think, BTC one should be simpler. Each one added will make it a bit easier as processes will be refined.

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