209 похожих чатов

One question I get asked alot mainly on X which

I'd like to put to the team
What exactly is a "soft launch"
We've seen very minimal tx since the "launch" and no advertisement of any sorts
I understand the co announcement is due q1 2024 which I presume is when it goes live and fully advertised etc but what exactly was the soft launch why not just delay it until full launch?

7 ответов

15 просмотров

Stay tuned @cotichannel

Soft launch is the release of a new product or service to a restricted audience or market in advance of a full launch. The essence of a soft launch is to test the product and collect feedback regarding its effectiveness. The feedback from testing the product helps the company make appropriate changes to the product for it to be market ready.

Lottie ○ Sm20LottieNode- Автор вопроса
Prince || COTI
Soft launch is the release of a new product or ser...

Thank you ser I will forward this to the necessaries

Stefanos | Innovunode.io (afk)
soft launch = beta test

and when i say test, i dont mean testo, dont get excited mr. gym rat 😂

Stefanos | Innovunode.io (afk)
soft launch = beta test

learn from the wise greek @PrinceCOTInetwork

Prince || COTI
Soft launch is the release of a new product or ser...

But how are they able to test this without decent transactions? Like "stresstesting" ?

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