normal holder can stake our rsn to get little returns from them ...
And the staked rsn can be distributed to watchers for return they will share little amount of profit to stakers...
Or the watchers can be like stakepool ...the staked rsn from the holder that watcher will ne only used as permit for that watcher...and he will share little reward with his doing this..even the small amount of holder can also participate...and which help in getting more permit which helps with bridge speed..
Is it possible ..or iam totally wrong?
Watcher have to also promote it which it will also increase the reach to the crypto community...
something to look into is lending your rsn on
inside rosen tokenomic, there is staking reward, so probably it will be implemented soon?
That i know...but using different dapp is less likely to be used by small holders... And rsRSN on cardano will also get a quick use other chain will also want hold some rsRSN on there chain...which improves over use cases in all chains...
Ohk...great...they might have planned it already...
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