209 похожих чатов

Little more than 2 months to go and around 300million

Coti will be unlocked from the gCoti campaign (correct me if I am wrong). My question is: how do you keep all those people motivated to stay in the boat? Recent development did lead to a lot of uncertainty. Delays are not helping either. There are so many attractive alternatives in the space. Another hard lock will not be accepted by the community. Bind investors will be hard. Does the Coti team just hope that if they drop the company name in Q1 that this will be enough? I don't think this would be enough to generate momentum if there is no real transaction volume (and this will increase only slowly to my understanding. My conviction fades, time is running and I have more questions than answers. I hope for the best.

1 ответов

12 просмотров

“Recent development did lead to a lot of uncertainty” We aim at releasing more details and updates in the coming weeks that should help understand our vision and what we aim to build, better.

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