209 похожих чатов

If the team solves the privacy issue with Coti V2

and lets say the equivalent is the sidechain Midnight, what will be the equivalent of Prism at Coti? Or do we not need digital identity when it comes to the Coti products?

19 ответов

25 просмотров

For COTI V2, KYC will not be mandatory on the protocol level like it is today. dApps developers and specific payment solutions can determine if KYC is required for their specific to be compliant

Prince || COTI

Any rewards for those that participate in testnet

chi_collins Rose
Any rewards for those that participate in testnet

There will be an early migration campaign that comes with additional rewards. As for rewards for testnet users, details on these are currently not available.

Prince || COTI
There will be an early migration campaign that com...

Can you share important links for participating in any of it

Prince || COTI
The campaigns aren’t live yet

Hello, for the currencies we have in the wallet, do we need to do something for v2?

Hello, for the currencies we have in the wallet, d...

Once launched, the one-way migration from COTI V1 tokens to COTI V2 tokens will be done at a 1:1 ratio. Until the swapping phase is completed for users, merchants and apps - COTI will preserve both V1 and V2 mainets. This is roughly how it was done with the ETH2.0 merge. In any case it won’t be mandatory to participate in the campaign and people will be able to hold their COTI V1 native coins until COTI V2 mainnet is launched and then migrate to the new network using COTI Bridge.

Danny Eng 🇸🇬
Will exchanges be supporting the migration?

Details on which exchanges will support the migration will be released closer to launch.

Prince || COTI
Details on which exchanges will support the migrat...

i assume for people who are staking on treasury it will be done automatically?

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