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The narrative is evolving into something very big guys https://x.com/martiniguyyt/status/1756324939190202750?s=46&t=BTaH4giOQBr0mb_wwK2CHQ

6 ответов

10 просмотров

its kinda weird as yesterday he was celebrating the pump. must be a good guy celebrating the gains of others 😅😁

? What u mean

now he says he dont own any yet. But yesterday he was celebrating the pump

Lobaugan- Автор вопроса
Stefanos | Innovunode.io (afk)
now he says he dont own any yet. But yesterday he...

Aha yes yes true Thats an intresting questione Maybe he first noticed coti after the pump and asked himself if he should buy? I know this guy since 2017 he is very fishy and he is the standard shiller pump dumper But his following is big and free marketing for us

Aha yes yes true Thats an intresting questione May...

he prolly forgot he bought coti after all those martinis

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