209 похожих чатов

Important question: why would Frax decide to fragment the tokens

in the ecosystem from FXS to Frax Chain token? Is this not very dilutive to FXS holders who are maximally aligned to the ecosystem?

8 ответов

12 просмотров

Literally been answered like 100 times sir. $FXS is 👑 been said more times than I can count.


Sam Kazemian ¤⛓️¤
Literally been answered like 100 times sir. $FXS i...

When do you think we expect to see fxs to be use as gas for fraxtal

Sam Kazemian ¤⛓️¤
Sometime this year 👍

This sparked an interesting idea 🤔If FXS could be a gas token then I'm assuming FRAX itself could be one as well, (I'm assuming being atomically swaped for frxETH and then using that as gas?) In which case, would an RWA partner such as FinResPBC be able to take stripe/credit card payments from off chain normies and mint their balance straight into Fraxtal FRAX? Obviously not very versed on the legal implications and regulatory requirements for something like this, but if we were able to completely bypass the horrible UX of CEX>ETH>Fraxtal that would be fucking magical for adoption.

Sam Kazemian ¤⛓️¤
Sometime this year 👍

FRAX is more important over FXS for gas imo

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