mm wants $2600 for same stake.
Anyone knows why?
Gwei abt 23.
Ethereum sucks
Manually edit the fee but increase the gas limit by 10%
Bid manually.
My gas lim was 28m. Upped it to 32m. Error message said gas lim has to be 21k-7.9m So I changed 28m to 7.9m which brought the gas fee down to $630 approx from > $2000. what u think?
If it’s a long stake the fee will be high
What’s gwei set at
Shouldn't be that high at around 25 gwei
Gas limit has no influence whatsoever on the network fee. Only the gas consumption and the gas price affect it. However, if you set the gas limit below the gas consumption, the validators take your entire fee allocation as a penalty and do not validate the tx. This is why it is important that you set at least 10% extra gas limit to prevent the dreaded out of gas error.
ETH gas tracker: ETH gas chart 1: ETH gas chart 2: Save money on gas by manually setting fees based on how urgent you need the transaction approved (e.g., swaps are more urgent than staking and endstaking which can be left waiting much longer). To prevent the "out of gas error" that costs you the allocated fee, increase the gas limit for at least 10% above what the wallet estimates (this does not affect the fee you pay). Gas prices are generally lower during the weekends.
Thanks for ur input.
Jack Bunyum (0) has increased reputation of Nenad [I won't dm you] (3332)
According to the calculator I should be paying, 1800 days 26 gwei, 0.109 Eth abt $250. Thanks for the calculator.
Jack Bunyum (0) has increased reputation of my dm = scam clones will message you 🌌🧠 ⬣ (489)
You're messing with gas limit which could cause your transaction to fail due to running out of gas. You'll still pay for the gas that was used up to the point where it ran out of gas, leaving you pissed off because you spent money, but still at square one.
Bid 15 gwei, increase gas limit by 10% and let it pend until the next weekend. If it doesn't get through, increase to 20 gwei and hope there will be no on-chain retardation going on in the next two weeks.
Facts u can low ball the bud from 23 to 21 and save and it will still go through. At least for me it did
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