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Just to clarify: I have ERC-20 LGCY and ERC-20 USDL.

What exactly do I need to do?

1 ответов

9 просмотров

Efficient Token Swap Process: To simplify the transition for our community, a smart contract has been introduced for a straightforward token swap. The 7-day transition period, allows users ample time to exchange their tokens, with major exchanges freezing trading to facilitate the process. We will release the swap tomorrow night and users can start sending in their LGCY for LGXY. Uniswap will be temporarily taken down during this period, returning to its original state upon distribution (Liquidity ETH/LGCY 1:1). LRC20 users that wanted to swap to ERC20 will receive the new token at the same time, those that want to keep LRC20 don’t need to do anything.

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