209 похожих чатов

For how long could the Bridge be limited as it

is right now? Is there any end in sight? Please don't respond that "this will be solved with Coti V2" because it takes several more months. A realistic estimation would help a lot.

5 ответов

5 просмотров

Coti v2 solves this

There is no other option ser. The most realistic one is that it will be fixed in COTI V2

ngl this became very very very frustrating. this is going on for how long now? 2 years? 3 years?

ethan 💎🙌
ngl this became very very very frustrating. this i...

As much as I would like to keep V2 away from this discussion, the reality is that it actually solves this issue. Previously, liquidity had to be managed between two chains, and with heavy reliance on ERC20 due to better liquidity on Binance and more acceptance towards ERC20, this issue gets solved soon with the advent of V2

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