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I get that but im asking even tho its locked

in theory its not going to be ever unlocked right so its safe to say that if we do the math from a start of 100B minus 49B burned minus 33.3B locked we come down to a figure around 18B for max total circulating right? Because isnt the locked lgcy for the GBs being onboarded? Im a longtime and believer in lgcy i just want to know if this is correct if the math is mathin lol appreciate the feedback brother!

2 ответов

14 просмотров

I understand the question, but it’s best to see it as follows: Total Supply: 50,763,732,286 LGCY — Locked LGCY (0x8556): 33,333,300,000 Exchange Listing (0x407f): 1,190,289,940 Team (0x79fd): 8,333,378 — Est. Max Total Circulating Supply: 20,000,000,000 LGCY Est. Circulating Supply: 12,305,592,497 LGCY

It's somewhere just under 18B max circ supply because of Wes and Justin burning all those tokens.

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