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We need to combat misinformation and negativity on the Internet

about BCH with true facts and good vibes.

When someone asks: Is BitcoinCash a scam? We need to answer with something like:

BitcoinCash is a legitimate cryptocurrency that aims to provide functional peer-to-peer electronic cash for everyone on the base layer.

Avoid negative words because it's indexed by search engines and might be misinterpreted if someone reads it without context.

4 ответов

20 просмотров

It's a bad idea to use the word "legitimate". if you have to call something legitimate, it probably isn't. Legitimacy is self-evident, not explained. Like saying "I'm super tough" rather than just having big muscles and clearly being not someone you should fuck around with.

BitcoinCash is the original cryptocurrency that directly provides peer-to-peer electronic cash for everyone without relying on any external parties. It allows anyone to send any amount of money to anyone else, anywhere in the world, at any time of the day or night, instantly and for only a fraction of a penny.

"is bitcoin cash a scam" "try it, then try btc"

Georg-Engelmann Автор вопроса

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