209 похожих чатов

Can someone assist? I have HEX stakes made with a

MM account address. I want to recover my Trezor so the private key is protected with the Trezor. Am I amble to still also recover my Trezor address along side with the MM account? The PC with the original MM was reformatted. (Scammers don't waste your time)

9 ответов

16 просмотров

https://i.imgur.com/WlltXI1.png PLS is the native coin of the Pulsechain Network and therefor doesn't have a contract address (same as ETH doesn't have one). DEX Website http://app.pulsex.com The PLSX contract. Decimal: 18 0x95b303987a60c71504d99aa1b13b4da07b0790ab The INC contract. Decimal: 18 0x2fa878Ab3F87CC1C9737Fc071108F904c0B0C95d The HEX contract. Decimal: 8 0x2b591e99afE9f32eAA6214f7B7629768c40Eeb39 Alternatively click the "Fox" icon On PulseX next to a token to add it to metamask automatically.

It doesn't matter much where you created your seed phrase. The only potential complication could be if the used addresses were created with some exotic derivation path, but this isn't the case with Metamask.

Colombian4hire- Автор вопроса
Nenad [I won't dm you]
It doesn't matter much where you created your seed...

I have a new Trezor altogether. Do I recover the Trezor first and then the MM?

I have a new Trezor altogether. Do I recover the T...

What exactly do you mean by recover? All you need to do is migrate your seed phrase into Trezor.

Colombian4hire- Автор вопроса
Nenad [I won't dm you]
What exactly do you mean by recover? All you need...

I have a brand new trezor that i need to recover from my old one that broke. Plus I have old HEX stakes on a MM address. Just want to migrate the private key perhaps for the trezor to protect. Just trying to see how I should proceed

I have a brand new trezor that i need to recover f...

https://i.imgur.com/WlltXI1.png PLS is the native coin of the Pulsechain Network and therefor doesn't have a contract address (same as ETH doesn't have one). DEX Website http://app.pulsex.com The PLSX contract. Decimal: 18 0x95b303987a60c71504d99aa1b13b4da07b0790ab The INC contract. Decimal: 18 0x2fa878Ab3F87CC1C9737Fc071108F904c0B0C95d The HEX contract. Decimal: 8 0x2b591e99afE9f32eAA6214f7B7629768c40Eeb39 Alternatively click the "Fox" icon On PulseX next to a token to add it to metamask automatically.

I have a brand new trezor that i need to recover f...

You can't migrate two seed phrases in the same Trezor.

I have a new Trezor altogether. Do I recover the T...

MM seeds into Trezor by Advanced Recovery https://t.me/HEXsecurity

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