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One last question, i thought i did understand, with coti

v2 there would be more efficiency(i dont know the right word for it, but an higher rate to get companies on board) , ist it wise to expand the team then? If i look at the current ppn (the name would be announced later, because the companie wanted to be private a little longer "i do understand it") but, i dont know how long of programming is needed for a stable coin (im just an cnc operator/programmer in the metal section turning/milling, it isnt highschool/University related😅) but then again when coti v2 launches and there would be more companies to join, could the team hold it?

3 ответов

15 просмотров

I read the question twice but honestly couldn’t understand it :(

wijnand is back- Автор вопроса
Prince || COTI
I read the question twice but honestly couldn’t un...

Hmm , if there is a bigger demand for customers asking for a stable coin for there companie, could the current team take care of it? Or is it wiser to extend the team? (I dont know how much work is needed to make a stable coin)

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