209 похожих чатов

Hi @MrSpar . I’ve been updating my spreadsheet today and

I’ve noticed that passive rewards were down by circa 10% last week even though locked amount hadn’t increased.

How can this be? Have the team changed how the passive rewards are calculated.

Also the active rewards as well. There has been an even bigger drop in these. Has there been changes in the calculations as well?

Just with rewards doubling in 2 weeks, I want to make sure that there are no changes being made by the team for the calculations as it will obviously effect my decision on wether or not I continue to lock all of my $OCEAN every month for a further 4 years.

Please advise.


2 ответов

24 просмотра

Hello, thank you for your observations. The team is indeed preparing for doubling rewards. They are currently working on Data Farming, but I haven't heard about any such changes. I'll clarify with them what this might be related to. In any case, could you provide me with your wallet address? I'll forward it to the team.

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